I was gonna say - I’ve had enough of yelling white men who throw tantrums for... oh... about the rest of my life.
I was gonna say - I’ve had enough of yelling white men who throw tantrums for... oh... about the rest of my life.
Seeing how one loud mouth asshole just conned his way into the White House, I don’t have the stomach for another loud mouth asshole.
Yeah, but this shitty conservative president has both houses of Congress and the SCOTUS. They can and will do things no decent person would dream of.
You mean the 15 to 45 year old MMA crowd
Why do I get the feeling the people who idolize Mcgreggor are the same people that have Scarface posters on their walls and thought the Wolf of Wall Street seemed like an amazing idea that Jordan Belfort was super cool for doing?
It just seems like getting punched in the head for a living takes a toll on your behavior.
That’s “interesting” to you?
In these, the precious final days before the title of Leader of the Free World is officially handed over to an…
Does UFC not issue media passes unless you’re a failed former fighter?
The coveted 12-15 year old boy demographic is going to absolutely love this.
A very poor Ric Flair impersonation.
Goddamnit, why can’t the NFL be this way? I’ve honestly been reconsidering since Tuesday whether or not I can continue to be a Patriots fan.
Thanks to Adam Silver. If iron fist Stern was still around I doubt we would see as much.
The NBA - primarily the player but coaches and executives too - has really solidified itself as the major sport that supports decency and social justice.
What you don’t see is that they had to pause midway through his rant, because the members of the press started chanting “STEVE STEVE STEVE STEVE STEVE STEVE”
I disagree completely. Taking him down was justified, forcing him to comply is justified. Punching him because of your emotions is not justified. Policing should never be personnel. Yes, I am holding the police to a very high standard, but as a society I think we should.
Half my family is Japanese American, with the older relatives having been sent to the camps due to crazy hysteria. 75 years later we still remember the ones who stood by us, and decades from now people are going to remember Stan Van Gundy.
If I were on the receiving end of that, I’d be enraged, too.