
They were tarred as dumb racist idiots who were voting against their interests when they voiced their displeasure.

Nah, I’m sure a bigoted and misogynist game show host will be a wonderful president.

It truly is sickening.

I have nothing to say other than I have honestly never been so ashamed to be an American as I am tonight.

That’s not a hot take. It is a reasonable take. “Hot take” =\= “take I disagree with.” The Pats are hateable, and glowing support of a monster is a perfectly good reason to hate them more.

New England Deplorables.

If Trump had read it off a Microsoft Surface tablet, then we would have known it was fake.

I didn’t really need another reason to hate him, but I’ll take it.

As a Pats’ fan, I hate that anyone on the New England Patriots might support this hate-fueled, orange demagogue, but then I remember that most owners and coaches of sports franchises are horrible, horrible assholes. Except you, Cuban. You’re all right.

Yet another reason to despise the New England Scoundrels

You think Trump is smart enough to sound coherent adlibbing?

Late tomorrow Trump is going to deny he said any of this, and will insist he was never a candidate for President and he’ll call Mike Pence a loser.

Surprised that drive didn’t end with a pass too.

Should have been you, Trump.

I bet the protester’s head exploded when he was able to unironically say, “Thanks Obama!”

With all the Trump coverage, I forgot how cool it is to have an adult president.

On the bright side, they missed out on this election too

Of course not. I have never met a parking lot attendant who didn’t revel in being a dick and ruining my day.

Both of you GTFO with former Mariners that aren’t named Ken Griffey Jr.

Ken Griffey Jr. That swing, so smooth. I am of course an Edgar Fan too. Edgar for HoF. He deserves it more than Ortiz.