After it was all over, he took us in the house and served us pancakes.
This is on the adults, who should know better.
This complicates nothing. He died enjoying himself in a way that he, a consenting adult, chose to.
This complicates how we look at what led to his death
I’ll get you out of the greys. You need to be publicly shamed.
The whole thing is rigged.
Best part was JVG saying Russ should have the right to step over and smack the shit out of that guy.
Bet you he likes and shares every single garbage meme about how people used to be more respectful
One finger for each Sixers win this season.
You call it “faith” to have a left-handed hitter with somewhere around 300 total PAs in his MLB career face one of the best left handed pitchers in baseball with two on, two out, down three, in the World Series.
You have to be so, so bored to care about those that care about the Indians Logo, Redskins Name, etc...
Agreed: Let’s table the discussion on the offensive representations of people that have been the subject of genocide for the foreseeable future.
Only care about one thing at a time people.
I think you’re burying the lede here, Patrick. Did the Broncos actually retire John Lynch’s number after 4 seasons? And they were only a dominant team for one of those years, 2005. Honestly, if that’s not white privilege, I don’t know what is.