
“I agree with Trent’s position on this and I spent the better part of 40 years not letting something as horrible as child rape interfere with my responsibilities to my football team.”

Guys, child slavery is really bad and I could’ve done more to fight against it, but I decided to focus on staying quiet because football.

Those are called fends, or stiff arms....and they’re quite legal.

Nice to see Lendale White back in the news for a positive story.

fuck that was amazing. i think we all collectively and simultaneously came with kevin at 0:37.

That went on longer than the CM Punk match.

I don’t even have a joke. That was awesome. Hope he’s not punished for it

Look at those service men and women kinda bending their knees during the anthem! Fuck them for disrespecting themselves!

Here is a good shot of the four protesting 49ers.

“Kaepernick is as white as he is black”

But it’s white people that need to talk about race. We’re the ones holding back the conversation saying “nope, slavery is over! black people can vote! Kaep is rich, not oppressed!”Chris Rock has a stand up bit where he says (paraphrase) his kids have the best chance to succeed, not because of him and his success, but

Anyone pack anything stronger?

That photo is the live action version of Arthur.

Trent Dilfer also said yesterday’s week one game was a must win for the Jets, so let’s all feel free to stop paying attention to him anytime now.

Trent Dilfer would be selling insurance in Visalia if a mostly black Ravens defense hadn’t carried his replacement-level ass to a Lombardi Trophy. He might want to sit this one out.

Did everyone see the Glare of Death Randy Moss gave Dilfer as he was babbling about respect?

Wow, a nuanced and well reasoned take on ESPN. Maybe they’r—

Is it normal for refs to grab players by the jersey and drag them away from someone they’re just yelling at? I thought it had to be an actual fight for the refs to get physically involved.

Now playing

Here is the correct entrance music for anyone fighting Phil Brooks:

Let him walk out to Mandy by Barry Manilow, does every MMA fighter have to conform to the extreme douche stereotype? Doesn't differentiation make things more entertaining?