
Well, they both spend a lot of time talking about walls.

He was out there so fast they had to handwrite his name on the placard.

Once shots were fired, however, the station quickly cut to Rudy Giuliani at a conference.

I literally just read every comment under this story (including grays), and there isn’t a single one that says or implies anything negative about the way Chew has led his life.

to the folks on here hating because the cyclist never “worked” a day in his life: your emotional reaction to this story has everything to do with your own internal state and your own dissatisfaction with some part of yourself. deep down, i bet several of you are jealous that you chose not to lead this kind of

So....a black guy wearing a natural is stupid.

You do realize you’re saying the way his hair naturally grows out of his head is stupid.

Something seems slightly disingenuous about having “Salute to the Military” on the fourth preseason game, which is probably ALWAYS your lowest attended game.

I am a son, brother, husband, and father to the women and girls in my life

“I like to bet on horses, I like to bet on dogs,” Sager told the Associated Press. “I’ve bet on a lot of things with a lot higher odds than this.”


The bar is so low because people generally suck. I agree that this fact itself is lamentable, but still... good guy is good guy on this one and it’s nice to see people acknowledge it.

I don’t think this necessarily offers hope for humanity, but I wouldn’t say it’s just basic decency for a guy who went to the school expecting to be fawned over by excited kids to instead sit down with a lonely, awkward boy who probably didn’t even know who he was.

I moved overseas from Southeast Texas before the start of middle school and went to a fancy international school. To this day, I still get scared to eat lunch by myself, because kids can be so cruel. This story reminded me that there are good people out there.

Did you later wreak your unholy revenge on all of them.....ALL OF THEM?!?!

Two reasons to Do the Right Thing: 1) It’s the right thing; 2) Others can be inspired to do right things.

“This is one day I didn’t have to worry if my sweet boy ate lunch alone.”

Just shut up and enjoy this story, and whatever you do, don’t click on the Florida State Seminoles tag at the top of the post.

Forget about this story, why won’t anyone report on the apparent spree of people placing onions in front of commenters? Is it a prank? A gift? Some form of terrorism? What of the dust storms that are now plaguing offices? Are they natural, a byproduct of climate change? Some manmade HAARP style phenomenon?