
If there was ever a time for a kidnapping... Make it happen

America: Dogs more important than women. Or men, for that matter. And possibly children.

to be fair to baylor the odds of the dog having a dick are probably higher

Baylor: Dogs more important than Women.

I had posted this earlier but it probably fits better here. There is a certain hypocrisy the BLM movement has brought out of White America. You have this contingent which insists black people aren’t doing enough within their communities to police black on black violence, which may be very true. In the same breath,

Whole new level of respect for Stan.

If you don’t shave King James into the side of his head, you need to reevaluate why you became a barber in the first place.

We were just duped into watching a commercial. What's new...

I’ve noticed a very disturbing trend. Not one of the friends on Facebook I’ve noticed has actually addressed Kaepernick’s point about cops executing black people with impunity, and then escaping charges scot-free as their crooked friends in the justice department and internal affairs let them skate.

Everybody is

“You guys are heroes”

Question possibly more appropriate for a Magary mailbag: Is there a dumber set of North American sports professionals (I really can’t use the term “athletes” here) than NASCAR drivers?

My favorite part about Blue Lives Matter is how the guys that are constantly thanked for quietly and thanklessly doing their thankless jobs are suddenly the loudest martyrs the day we stopped thanking them and people feel the need to apologize for it

Charles Manson wore jeans.

Jake from State Farm.

Eh, I think he realized disagreeing with the motivation was more racism denial, which wouldn't look good with his players. He did say motivation first.

It was about triumph and bravery.. about having the spirit to go against what you’re “told” to do, for the sake of freedom, exploration, and growth, and what you otherwise would not experience. This is something that everyone can relate to...

misty doesn’t have to mean sad.

So, I mean it was fine... but at what point were you sad? He just bails and goes surfing. Honestly, I would think ‘Jealous’ before “Sad’.