
Definitely for the Warriors, but not for the other two.

I sincerely believe that teams I’m rooting for in close games are jinxed by me watching. I’ll see that the game is close, and I turn it on, and then they immediately start playing bad. I’ve stopped watching many Warriors and Patriots and Hawks games because of this.


please god let this be functional in my life time please please please

I liked it, but the music choice really is baffling. If you’re going to use that song, don’t use the fucking lyrics, which make no sense in context with AC series.

Minnie Driver, best known for her performance as “Them Apples” in 1997's Good Will Hunting

Our periodic reminder that Larry Bird is kind of an asshole.

Goddammit, now I have ANOTHER sports book by a former Grantlander to buy.

I’m glad we have your take on this. It was sorely missed.

That may end up being the case. But Davos only knows what knows, and what he knows is that Jon is honorable, intelligent, and really, really fucking good at his job.

For me, Davos’ loyalty to Jon makes perfect sense. He knows that Stannis is dead, he knows that Shireen is dead, he knows that the battle against Roose Bolton is lost. Davos also knows that about the White Walkers and the war that is coming, and if he thinks that Jon would be the best Lord Commander to help fight them

Just wanted to stop in and say that it’s been a real pleasure reading the site. It’s always felt open, and fun, and a lot of other sites go out of their way to be neither of those things.

Man, this dude really just doesn’t get it.

wheeeeheew this is some bullshit

This is not very fair to Austin Rivers. Nobody is saying, him least of all, that Doc Rivers is a bad person. I don’t even think there is ill will; it’s just simply true that Doc Rivers spent very little time at home, and as such he and his son have very little personal relationship.

He’s definitely a skilled manager of his players, but tactically he’s been pretty poor. He’ll be better than Wittman, I think.

This is so fucking good. This is the only good take on the Democratic race that I’ve read.

God, I want Fredi Gonzalez gone. I’ve wanted him gone since the middle of his first season coaching the team.

I played KOTOR for the first time when I was 12, about a year after it had been released. I was in love with that game from the moment I started playing it. I had never played a game where you could choose to be good or bad. Totally blew my mind.

Dope screen name, dude