
I was not involved (which is weird, as I am often involved having learned to drive in a city known for aggressive driving) but my friends saw a driver pull into a crosswalk and block a pedestrian who preceded to freak out and punch the car repeatedly. The (much bigger) driver got out of the car and asked what the guys

I am a major flirt, this is what helps me.

I'm can't speak to career changes, but I'm in a STEM field and the hours are also terrible sometimes too. I think if you have a specific career in mind, try and find someone to mentor you so you have an idea of what to expect.

I was around 4-6 per day when I was at the peak of my tennis training. between that and the races i've done, it's kind of cool to know my body is capable of that.

I read the untethered soul, granted it has that new age-y vibe with meditation and some spirituality that I know not everyone is into. My issues tend to be around letting stuff get to me way too much and not letting go, and this helped.

my heart shaped macarons were not a complete disaster! although the filling turned purple... it was supposed to be pastel pink so who knows what that was about.

All the advice posted about getting involved with people in your program is great, I'm in my final semester of my PhD so that program dating/friendship drama is crazy.

It sounds like the relationship is already kind of ruined...and getting worse. I hope things get better for you soon.

I understand. I have the equivalent to a 110% work appointment. and I do a bunch of things outside of work. Weirdly enough I really prioritize my time at the gym and yoga studio. It gives me all kinds of energy and time to just think (and not think, which is very rad). it feels like it's really just for me, not for me

I'm sorry to hear that. Emotions like that can be so complicated, and then people say it's either one thing or another when it's usually not

I told my story on here awhile back but, hell, it makes me crazy happy so I'll tell it again. When I was 20 I had a summer fling with my now-guy. I moved to a different country but eventually we ended back in the same city. We tried to date a few times over a couple years but I was smitten with another guy for a chunk

Salt stains from leather boots...although the first time I tried on some expensive shoes of mine i felt very nervous

troublesome? i am naturally thin (and 5'9") and have said things like that just to stop people from telling me i have an eating disorder/don't eat anything etc. i usually point out my love of donuts.

if you're not opposed to memory foam, i got a mattress on overstock for like $350 a few years ago and a used ikea bed frame off craigslist. That was like 5 years ago/3 moves and I have not woken up in the rubble of what was once my bed. although the way this bed frame is looking these days, I won't be shocked when I

Here's the thing to be careful about: no matter how interested you are in your specific research, your PhD will likely drag you through times when you absolutely hate your field. Turning something you are passionate about into a chore can be dangerous without an end goal. You can't stay in grad school forever. Maybe

you seem totally rad! those trips sound amazing

I've thrown a surprise party for my housemate. The rest of the house and I had everything in place except one thing. We had to leave the house, go to a bar, then come back home. Didn't realize how unnatural it was to just be like "Oh, it's happy hour, on your birthday, but we should go home now...because...um...yeah."

I hear you - in my lab and friend group we've dealt with pretty much every professor issue: from mysteriously leaving for a new university, moving the entire lab, cancer, death... it's tough. I don't blame you, but at the same time everything ended up fine after a period of adjustment (or as find as it can be in the

Would you consider doing a bio PhD to be a more competitive applicant for community colleges? I was going to graduate with a masters but I stuck it out for a PhD and I feel like it opened a lot of doors. You can even fund your PhD by getting teaching experience via TAships or PAships and staying on campus gives you

For me, I have the constant urge to fill any silence with nonstop chatter, so I've said some dumb rambling things before. Sometimes it's nice to have a date where there's other stuff to focus on happening, so it's not dependent completely on conversation. For instance, I've played a game of tennis with a dude. You can