Release the Hounds

But Naomi normally gets along with everyone.

I believe it was Jesus himself who said “yay, fucketh the small children, and let them starve, for they are fat nowadays anyways...”

Racism. Simple as that.

Dudes who are not medical professionals tell everyone the dangers of medicine.

I am sure Trudeau wishes he could be hanging out on Richard Branson’s island with Obama instead of guest starring on the Political Apprentice.

The longer I stay on facebook in these dark times, the smaller my circle gets. I’m absolutely livid I wasted any time or energy over the years on some of these people—and these aren’t even trumpers. And before anyone comments with the old “you’re going to let political opinions ruin friendships?”—when people I have

Seriously, fuck Yoo.

Spencer did nazi that coming....

92 is a good long life. I hope he recovers as well, but it would be fitting if he passed away on Friday to overshadow the inauguration. A final “fuck you” to Donald Trump if you will.

“Man, if I had a suit jacket button for every time I fucked up over the past few years...”