
Dollar General is investigating? What? Call up that fucking store, get Slewfoot Ken’s ass on the line, tell him he fucked up, grab his Moon Pie stash and take his ass home and keep him off the schedule indefinitely, then tell Marsha she’s the manager, now, give her a 35 cent raise and hang the phone the fuck up.

Yeah, I don’t think anyone doubts he was hammered. He didn’t need to be arrested. They could have, you know, helped him out. Who was made materially safer because they arrested him instead of just helping him get home?

Yeah, or if you really want to be a dick put him in the drunk tank for the night. But totally agree, arresting him and giving him a record for this is total bullshit. Unless he was like, trying to break the window or something. Which I didn’t see any indication of.

I’ve legitimately heard (some) policemen say they’d be happy to drive someone who is drunk home so that they don’t drive.  Or in the least call a cab or an uber for the person.

Yeah, I don’t think anyone’s saying the cops are assholes because they wouldn’t give him a ride home. As much as they are supposed to help people (and it would have definitely been cool if they went ahead and gave him a ride), I can understand not wanting to give some super drunk dude a ride home.

Eh, I’m back and forth on this. While there were definitely many ways the cops could have handled this situation better, I also don’t think we should be praising him (not that you did) for being so responsible since, ya know, he was too shithoused to tell a cop car from a taxi.

Who was he harming, other than himself?Even then, how much is he harming himself? Sounds like he made a prerty good decision for a guy that drunk. Who benefitted from his arrest? How are the people and property of Iowa City safer now? What lesson has he learned other than “don’t trust cops?” Next time he may decide to

Why does he need to be knocked down a peg?  He made a mistake.

Yeah. There are still places in the world (and even in this shithole country) that are small enough and friendly enough that if you get yourself in a drunken pinch, a police officer would provide a lift home.

They didn’t have to arrest him.

I’m not sure what his or his family members’ football playing status has to do with this, but - yes, the police are the assholes here. He was drunk and made a dumb mistake (while trying to at least be a reasonably responsible drunk idiot, by the way). They could have, you know HELPED him, which is what police are

I’m with you on this.  The dude drunkenly approached a cop car looking for a ride home.  He wasn’t arrested because he was X name player for Y name team who was related to Z name NFL player.  He was arrested for a PI.  It fucking sucks to have on your record, it really does.  Even if you’re trying to do the right

No, stop focusing on Russia because it is literally the dumbest thing to get all shitty about. There are plenty of other things like how infants are being left to defend themselves in a court of law in order to not get deported.

It might be worth noting what goes into a Top Secret (or higher) clearance here:

When I went to BCT, I was going in as a 35W—Signals Intercept/Intelligence/Linguist (that’s what it was at the time, anyway; the designation might have changed).

My MOS required a Top Secret clearance before I ever stepped foot into a BCT