
Seems like she crammed more living into her short time than most people do in a full life. I lost someone like that too. It was like she had to live fast because she knew time was short. Godspeed Kat.

I worked closely with Kat at USF before she transferred to FIT. She was on my FSAE team for a while and we had most of our classes together for a couple of semesters. I’m absolutely heartbroken.

second place finish:1st loser

He was INVITED to the event to participate in his electric car specifically.

If you ran Nitro people would just cry from the fumes

B. Engine/Drivetrain/Fuel

By my understanding this just means you can have UP TO 1 ICE. Meaning less than or equal to one. Also who’s to say the batteries weren’t charged by an ICE. Ultimately, the organizers fucked up with their statement. They should have either admitted their mistake for allowing the car to run, or told the protesting driver

My first year in SCCA Solo II, I managed to pull a second place season finish overall in my class. Was it because of my superior driving skills and that I could drive circles around my competition? Nope... it was because I was the only one in my class to make every single race of the season.

alarmingly, a lot of Glock ammunition, becomes engulfed in flames

I guess so, but there isn’t an Air Marshal on every flight. There was that group of Southwest passengers that group-murdered a guy that wouldn’t behave. And that was BEFORE 911. Southwest is the wrong airline to act up on. 

Why do people just sit there and watch?  Someone stand you and deck the guy.  

All racetracks have noise limits way below that... It would get kicked out of anywhere.

Couldn’t they just have one of those air marshals beat the shit out of him, handcuff him and throw him in the cargo hold? They probably have the free time since people managing to sneak weapons through airport security is pretty rare. If we're going to put cops on planes they should protect the passengers in all

Yea the title seemed really fucking weird. It sounds like it was written by an inexperienced writer.

“Non-Consensual Footsie”.

Your take is about as fresh as the Harlem Shake.

That would spruce up any tree it gets wrapped around :-)

Nah, Chevy had that Tonka yellow on the 5th gen. It’s not bad looking, but a little....flat?

I’d be wary of taking a sawzall to that car... you might find wires where you didn’t think there’d be any...