
Let’s see? Hmm, first off if I wanted a BMW I would have bought a BMW. The hp and tq levels, REALLY? Hey Toyota, (or BMW) you ever hear of the ZL1, the HELLCAT, not to mention the 2020 Mustang coming out in 2020!!! Its called HORSEPOWER and TORQUE! Toyota WHO???

I will take a twin turbo 2jz motor with a six speed over this TURD any day!!!

Regarding that front: You cant fix UGLY, nor stupid; pertaining to the frontend designers.

The real TRAGEDY here is at 1:02 in the video!! That poor red and white wall straining to hold up that tella tubby beer belly!!! Ugh, just sad.

That 2nd, second place WHINER, might have actually won if he’d drop 200 pounds off his fat ass!!

I fully DISAGREE! This is not the quality racing I’ve come to know. Along with scca and optima’s street car challenge, the quality racers I’ve dealt with are very cool, and more often than not offer to help when folks break down. They are not petty little bitchy whiny asses looking for any “loophole” or other driver v

Hey EVERYONE, the true tragedy here is that poor red/wht concrete wall at 1:02 that was barely supporting the weight of that chunky monkey beer belly flop!!=0)

That’s good man, really good!=0)

Horseshit. Whether in an aisle seat or not. Get your ass up and deal with this jackass. There is a good saying, “all it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to stand by and do nothing”! I’m not sure I got it exact but you get the drift.

It depends on the plane. Many flights you can access the cargo area inside as well. But good question none the less.

I’m ALWAYS CURIOUS when I read these stories. Where O WHERE the hell are the real men that can just knock the living shit out of assholes like this and then tie them up with their own belts and shoe laces??? There must have only been been limp wristed weenies on this flight. PATHETIC!!

Its either because they’re too stupid to know better, or they’re just disrespectful assholes.

GOOD!! I’m so tired of these jackasses that think because they’re car is LOUD means its FAST!! WRONG!!!! 

That’s called a firebird t/a retard.

If you cant see out of it, you’re not sitting in it right. Probably too busy hanging your hand over the steering wheel attempting to look cool!

Another EPIC FAILURE is YOU not knowing how to spell CAMARO!!!


All you whiny ass, arm chair designers, instead of just shooting off your pie hole about how ugly something is, LETS SEE YOUR DESIGN squidly!! Dont just state the problem. Give the solution. But of putzes.......walking off shaking head.

A so called car guy that doesnt know how to spell “license”? Sad.

You mean from the moon, right?=0)