Thank fuck I'm Canadian. 625 bucks for the quarter and no more than 6 months standing on my head if I get caught.
Thank fuck I'm Canadian. 625 bucks for the quarter and no more than 6 months standing on my head if I get caught.
Yeah the longer the game went on, the worse it got. Turned it into a drinking game.
Something, Something, Cold Cuts
Of course I do, although stupid people are gonna be stupid and spend the extra money on a shitty product, kinda like how my friend just blew an extra 500 bucks on a winter jacket because she wanted the "Canada Goose" logo on her shoulder so she can feel "important" while making minimum wage.
Thats fine, enjoy buying tinny headphones. I for one am glad the NFL is pimping Bose, it might smarten up a few people who waste an extra 300 bucks on a logo over sound quality that is still better at half the price.
He isn't terrible but as a fight fan and Lions fan, he could go the fuck away.
Woogie, you is a dumb motherfucker.
Oh my god, are you a St Louis Cardnials fan, because it would make perfect fucking sense given how insufferable you are and repeating "registration" like it fucking matters.
You're on fire today.
Oh damn.
Yes it was, FF13 was the COD of JRPGs.
Then call them what they are a "Skiddie Group"
Wasteland 1 comes with the 40 buck version, Bards Tale and the Digital Content doesn't. I have the manual printed out next to me to be devoured while playing thanks to my best friends free printing at the college, now to wait another 45 minutes for everything to finish downloading and the next 3 days are going to be…
40 bucks, 60 was for Early Access/Digital Collectors Edition or whatever its called now.
Been waiting all month for the price drop at launch.
It's borderline slow.
You are quite the dedicated troll. I applaud you. Denying it will only prove my point. You entertain me. Carry on.
They employ bloggers disguised as journalists but are really just a blogger or a piss poor blogger, see Patricia whateveritslastnameis.
He'll be a Cowboy soon enough and he can be some other divisions problem.
Breaker 1, Breaker 1, I may be crazy but I'm not dumb, Craaazy Cooter coming back at ya.
Is it just me or does anybody else see an S2000 with a kick ass grille?