Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg

The correct set of wheels has been All of Them since 1998 when Gran Turismo was released and a certain car from a certain marquee with a certain badge was unleashed on boy racers the world over.

Of the nigh impossible, that clip is like the Loch Ness Monster, you may not understand it, but its still a thing of beauty.

Its this and the Wombo Combo that will never ever leave my mind, just thinking about either sends chills down my spine.

Radio. Mirror. Park. George did such a great job as that DJ and thats how I discovered this guy.. great, great music.. Old Love/New Love is stupid, stupid, stupid catchy.

If this isn't #COTD then I will.. well I'll bitch about it.

This is one of those things that can only happen in New York.

Wait, wasn't Kogay that dreadful gentlemen driver that we all laughed at a couple months ago for being so horrible the commentary team couldn't help but state it?

Sigh, go up to the next random chick you see and complement her on her ass, see where that gets you beyond a disgusted sigh and a feigned thank you.

Because GTA V isn't out on PC yet. Duh.

I'm sure you've gotten very far in your life with that attitude and punctuation as well, why don't you go outside and breathe some fresh air that you so desperately need because summer is almost over and school is about to begin.. might as well enjoy it while it lasts.

Of course the lonely pony makes the typical creepy comment.

I think he was on the Snake last week in a black mid 70's Corolla with a Lexus V8 in it or so facebook tells me.

First Row Sports is love. First Row Sports is life.

What the fuck am I reading? When did this turn into a CIA conspiracy?

Pic Related.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I'm a long time redditor and I'm laughing at the absurdity of your statement, reddit is just as much of an echo chamber as the rest of the internet.

Must feel great to waste all those keystrokes.

God dammit, that made me laugh harder than it should have.. then I noticed who posted it, you guys are the best.

Thank you Rob Ryan, Katie Nolan, and the rest of us needed another joke at your expense.

I will fire 1 million cab drivers in celebration of the joy you have brought me.

Smoking that Blue Ice eh?

The Golf Club on Steam Early Access [0.9 update, soon to be full retail] soon PSN and XBL [PS4/XBOne], Full Controller Support, generated courses, full course editor, unlimited courses is what I'm trying to get at.

Got it first week in EA, worth every penny. Runs on the Unity engine so its a little resource heavy at