Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg

You win a couple championships this last decade and you all suddenly think you;re the Yankees.

It's cute that you people are oblivious to how insufferable you are.

LOL @ you ever being a trucker, this is a fucking moose.. you get the fuck out of its way, having family in Northern Ontario, I've seen first hand what happens to a rig when it hits a moose, the rig is fucked and the moose wanders off into the forest to die.

That's 'straya mate.

After being linked to Simon Andrews sliding into the curb in GIF form not 15 mins ago, I'm just glad this guy walked away.

We watched the same Monster Truck event, it was Grave Digger.

I remember watching this during Monster Truck Racing in like 1990, Grave Digger kept blowing tires off after races and they used ether to remount the tire, filmed it, looked cool, I think he plowed into Equalizer in the finals after it, either way this is still cool 20+ years later, even with the small scale.

dat glass

What in the actual fuck is this? It's beautiful I tell you h'what.

Says the guy hiding behind the anon burner account he created a few minutes ago to bitch at Ley for using MLB TruMedia instead of whatever ESPN uses, even though they look VERY similar.

No, its MLB TruMedia, go back to whatever basement you crawled out of dumbass.

There is a difference between the two, clearly you don't know that or have a hard on for Ley... or both.

Actually they don't, NBA bought them out for a half billion at the beginning of the year.


Torch, you magnificent bastard. I will spare your job today and fire 200 cab drivers instead.


Plying in Toronto makes you bad, having to listen to your homers and media all day makes you bad, you're like the Yankees of the NHL Media wise but you play like the Mets.

Toronto will NEVER win another Stanley Cup.

How the hell did I know that this would be one of the first comments I read?

Its an awesome Lego set, who the hell cares if it has 919s?

You are so wrong its almost cute.

And Koenigsegg is the perfect backdrop to convey this story of just how a hypercar goes from idea to concept to reality. Just like on /INSIDE KOENIGSEGG, the video team was given all access and more to the development process of the