
Also there's the thing (if I recall correctly) where in BioShock, only Ryan can control the Bathyspheres. How do Elizabeth and Booker use the Bathysphere unless Booker is in fact Ryan from an alternate universe?

Also put me in the disagree column. Consider the monumental expense of a Combine, or that even a smallish tractor costs around $80k now... A decent Ram isn't much to Big Farm.

Not sure I understand the distaste for Gamefly... For 360, Wii/U, PS3, Vita, 3DS, and so on, there's a lot of money to be saved if you just want to fly through a game.


Just got home from this game. Lache just doesn't quit. Sic 'em Bears. Great game to end my senior year.

#COTD Comment of the week?

If it's photocatalytic, then the surface treatment acts as an aid to a chemical reaction for the NOx. The products are probably released back into the atmosphere as less harmful gasses, like N2 and O2.

Just between AAPL and DIS you're talking about moving tens of thousands of units. That's without taking into consideration the small business marketplace or acceptance of other businesses which follow their models. Producing is good for Apple for their own use, and it's good to push forward a new market/user base

Consider that not all of these will be for private consumers. Example: Apple currently uses iPads and iPods for their cashier system. My assumption is that they need next to no storage for that system, and just want the cheapest price point possible.

I made the same switch. It's been tough. I still fly with my X360 gamepad on PC.

Stage 9: Go to law school.

Which is the definitive version of Dishonored? No fanboy-ism, please. Just a straight answer. Was it developed for 360/PS3 and ported to PC? Vice-versa? Or a great effort for all three platforms?

If you "mow his daisies", that's tantamount to a declaration of war. PotUS has gotten away with some pretty crazy stuff without a Congressional deceleration, but still... In the era of the UN, NATO, and EU it is more likely that a Naval aviator will see the front lines. We can see this presently in North Korea, Iran,

The air force's uniforms are a bit silly looking, in my opinion. Nothing looks quite as nice as Navy whites. The Air Force uniforms always look to me like they aught to be in a corny 80's comedy or something. Like a caricature of the modern military.

I watched on PBS in HD on my TV. Yay, public broadcasting!

Cyclists are not permitted on sidewalks in Texas. Cyclists are not pedestrians. They "belong" on the road.

Unfortunately, the dam is more likely to effect local ecosystems and shipping (where applicable).

Also, the Premium Edition of Battlefield 3 is Tuesday. But whatever, it's not really new...

PC gaming headset, USB 3.0 flash drive, USB 3.0 external drive

Agreed that this was not their best album, but they do have marvelous lyrics and their stage presence is fantastic.