Is it not a fail that you need a tip in an article to tell your readers how to use your site again?
Power Nap
31,800 results
@Origamido: Ahaha, that is freaking excellent.
Where/how did you find? Delete your post to hide it from the man!
Haha, that's a fantastic joke.
Really? The only age mine is showing is processing streaming video, as far as I can tell. Or maybe that's flash sucking. Who knows? I'm expecting to happily keep mine an additional two years. We'll see...
Wow, good catch.
I understand the nitpick, but I believe they assume that the halo-faithful know a fall of that height would kill. It destroys the vehicles and takes our their shields, so its unlikely that they messed with any standard settings.
You're good. Well done.
Definitely a girl. Olympic gymnast for the US in China. She was sort of cute, but also was a gorilla.
I'm glad I previously saw it on i09. I still hate it though. I feel like I'm on some AOL sponsored tech blog or something. Absurd.
@Michael Xuereb: That film was tough to watch, but inspired so much conversation. Glad I saw it.
@effoffpunk: Dead Rising was about survival. You needed your drugs to stay human, the government was absolute crap and failed to respond properly, etc. Take a look.
I think he was losing every match of Domination (not a deathmatch gametype) he played. This is annoying that he treated it as such.
I have a pair of those Smartwool Boxers, and while they are quite luxurious, I don't think they do too much to keep the boys warm.
@freelancer1991: You expect Sarah Palin to do research? It wouldn't take much for the best of your knowledge to surpass hers.
@jepzilla: You gotta schmooze your donors somehow
@King of Madness: I used this when I was younger!