Comma button broken? Second paragraph, second sentence. I wouldn't have mentioned it, but it introduces some ambiguity in the series.
Comma button broken? Second paragraph, second sentence. I wouldn't have mentioned it, but it introduces some ambiguity in the series.
@nixternal: The problem with that is they might wait up until the thing dies. Don't get a macbook, those 7-hr batteries can be a b****.
@pangapanga: Wow. Good tip. Might want to work on the delivery though...
Mario Griffball?
The only thing that'll improve your interpersonal communication skills is stowing the phone.
Yaaay fake tans.
Waco, TX namedrop? Okay.
@limitless.opportunity: Read the article
Psh. I'd be REALLY impressed if that was a USB-powered coaster for the coffee cup. Mmmm... warm coffee.
Well I thought Toy Soldiers was fun, educational value aside.
@udiie: But since it was like Halo, they did it, then the guy in the back seat punched the front guy in the back of the head because he got the gunner seat first.
@babel116: And that statement hasn't caused you to reanalyze your playtime? If you are able to label your game as a task...
@shkm: Ugh, if one of those followed you around yipping and telling you where to dig, I'd fry it with magic or something. Nomz.
@Erik The Red: If my roommate has taught me anything, it's that some gamers suck (especially him), and don't have the skill or dexterity to play better games. Fable III seems to be a man-child's game. You don't die, and you can't really lose. Meh.
Here's the tutorial on the Mouse Gestures. There are more than the four basic ones you can see. They disable automatically "after you are comfortable using mouse gestures and perform them quickly." Whatever that means.
"That nose got a heme?"
@BeefSupreme: Your second L is lacking its last zero, making it 7 characters.
@navi1101: ...shirtdresses are gross. Put some pants on.
"A pig? I LOVE PIGS!!! Oh, that's a pug. Nevermind."
@Nitesh: I don't want to talk about it.