
@Gameslaya: Yeah, I saw about half the first video...

@黒人: Oh, you didn't know? At the center of the Death Star was actually an old Sith guy. Just hangin' out. Blowin up planets every now and again. It was in the extended, super-remastered cut.

The automatic redirect after the video is kind of obnoxious.

Ugh. Platform shoes (and especially platform flip-flops) are repulsive.

@Kenofthedead: Also, Candy Land is illiterate, so it gets no jobs.

@Mosaic: I'm most concerned that there are three more sausage lives in the bottom right hand corner. What happens if you fail? Does she... bite it? Or even fail to bite it and throw up? Or do you just miss her mouth.

But if that house had security from another company, who installed motion detectors... ADT could have made a huge mess for themselves.

@blazinasian: It's for the adult volunteers (aka Scouters).

"ESPN3 is available free to fans accessing the site from a college campus network in the United States or from a military base in the United States. "

I spy a militarized doublewide.

Yes, because there's nothing healthier than playing a videogame. lulz. Don't we all wish it were true.

@Thorn14: Nor should they string it out to the degree that completing it is a chore. Tell the story, put in some incredible gameplay, and give considerable attention to replay value. That's the way it should be (and is, in this case) done.

@carlmccunn: no no! A sideways scooter! completely different.

@jblues: I don't see a rider falling off easily with the handle bars. The real problem would come if the rider was having to carry a ruck. 80 lbs on your back throws off your center of gravity something awful. Just longboarding to class with books in a backpack does get a bit perilous. Beats the heck out of walking

@Tristan Lenzo: It's not just the 2-D version of the dock available on 10.5-.6?

Wow, that's a really fancy stapler she's got there. Probably can't beat my classing Swingline though.