
PASS. She's no Lynda Carter. They broke the mode. Plus, no more DC Comic rom-com's after that Superman from a few years back. Suicide Squad looks stupid and disrepectful to Heath Ledger.

Acting means in addition to talent, you have to look the part. Atfer all this time, Dunst could still pass for a college student but Banks never could - even when she was 23. Just as Banks always looked classy while dunst is kind of a valley girl teenager-hippe college student look. That's just the way it is - the

It's not satire. It's bad B movie making. If you're sleepy & stoned, it is an acceptable movie. Otherwise, it's crap.

don't worry, we'll NEVER EVER watch anything by the creators of HIMYM. They are idiots - I don't eve watch it on syndication after how they ended the series.

Also a nightmare for viewers. 10 hours of screen time, 3 hours of storytelling and film making. Time for him to go fishing or something real useful like Lucas starting up a fund for black and latino film makers. We do NOT want to see you direct another movie, you have lost it.

Jay Z looked at the check that Dre got and thought if he rounded up a bunch of notable artists, launched it - samsung would come in and pay $1B for it but now realizes he has to actually run it as a business - he's screwed.

CH made money because everything was considered Promotional so either low royalties or no royalties were paid to artists - hence many artists were not avialble in the sign up portion or never go "on-sale." As a consumer, if you were careful - you could get X number of CD's for about $5 - you just had to be an avid

Last season was not only dull but other than 3 characters - EVERY AMERICAN pretty much looked the same (other than Washngton) - I could not figure out who was who …

BBT Theory is interesting in that other than the eps without Amy or the fw eps where howard is hitting on penny, it's hard to tell in reruns what season you're actually watching since the cast has changed the least amount of any Tv cast? Not much weight gain or getting old ANd the scripts are all pretty the same -

Everything was digitized. Lucas was basically lying when he said those scenes weren't available - look at the Han shot first scene, the ONLY addition is the extra super fake looking blast from Greedo's gun - the rest of the scene was obviously digitized for blu ray - or the ewoks singing, you think they really stopped

Not that this excuses the idiots but casting sheets tend to reduce EVERYONE to monosyllabic descriptions whether it's BLONDES (Cheerleader types, slut types, etc …) or LEADING MAN TYPES (Disney Prince, Brad Pitt, Nathan Fillion, etc …) - they just see people as props - like a listing for desks or lamps - that is not

The 1st amendment promises a government that will NOT penalize citizens for what you say. It says NOTHING about about the consequences of your words to the rest of society/your friends/employees, etc … and of course, clueless wackos fail to understand the most basic reading of the Bill of Rights - of course, there are

Is GAME OF THORNE's on "regular" channels overseas versus a paid chanel in the US (and where nudity is not a big deal).

Yea, it is a weird subject matter but those old timey actors had comic timing- the writing is not great but man the delivery is great - especially when Howard Caine as hostetter shows up. Askin as Berkholter episodes were usually great because they kept that fine line of believable buffoonery. It shoudl also be noted

They do explain that corn is grown for ethanol.

As long as she's nude - what's the point of a chaste hooker? Like stripper movies where the actor refuses to take off their clothes - what is the point? First, nudity is film is NOT the same as a pedo-crime. The ACTOR read the script and was paid money to arrive on a set with a giant freakin camera. It's a role - like

This sounds like a 2 ep and fail series …

Is mike king from from 1890 British India? That guy is so old and out of date, he needs to removed immediately. I stopped watching CBS on Monday because of the stupid unfunny racism on the show. Racism can be funny when handled by a pro like Larry David but in this guys hands? More like a guy who thinks wearing a