
Did anyone else notice the sight gag of how young the server space tour guide was on his ID badge compared to the present? He's been down there for years.

Can't wait!

I'm so hyped for this. Yes I said it….HYPED!

Yeah, the realism is non-existent. I'm sure he probably stood on the chair that was conveniently laid on it's side ob the floor of his bedroom.

Realism is pretty much gone from this show. He's "raging" with anger now. I'm positive he stood on the chair that was laying on it's side in his room.

This season has been a complete disaster. It's been a chore just getting through these episodes to wait for the moment Jax learns the truth. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if Sutter sets it up so he never finds out and years later Abel goes all Tommy Darmody on Gemma. I'm calling it right now, Abel killed her birds