Jake Bednarz

For this instant I feel everything is right with the world.

I wouldnt trade driving for public transportation. To be huddled like rats in moving boxes on someone elses schedule.

“Hey honey, gotta work on the car today. This should only take me an hour or so, and I’ve got everything I need already.”

Yeah, the Japan one is still my favorite. Australia was my third Raduno

Like the majority of Chrysler “issues”, proper maintenance keeps the transmissions on these going strong for a very long time.

I really wish the headline of this article was ‘Spoiler Alert’.

Anyone who votes CP should leave Jalopnik forever.

She was so drunk she made it that whole way in the wrong lane.

Sorry Camero lovers, but it’s true.

Not to mention it sure as shit set off some airbags. Sketchy business on the part of the current dealership. Anyone who voted NP didn’t click on the link to the before pictures. Easy CP.

This thing has frame damage. You can see it in the old auction photos. CP all day long.

Seriously, what the hell is the point?

So...a C-class?

But he probably won’t want it - it’s not rusty enough.

No they’re giving it to David Tracy.

I think they’re being singled out here. This stuff happens everywhere.

Corvette sellers strangely even worse about this.

Can I trade this punishment in for a used pickup truck?

Mine stems from my mom and is more about when I learned to drive stick.