Jon Beaumont

The K is silent

I spent most of my childhood living in North Dakota (where everyone claims to like either the Vikings or Broncos, but doesn’t really give a fuck about the outcome of anything they do) before moving to southern Wisconsin where I’ve been for the last 10 years. And FUCK if the entire population of the state doesn’t rise

goddamn Jiri Welsch

Hot Dogaroni and Cheese — Hilariously, this was provided for me by both divorced parents, however, I preferred to have it at my dad’s place because he always went the extra mile by adding, WAIT FOR IT........ground pepper.

I have a few different memories of the console that really got me into gaming.

Yeah, after re-reading the article, I realize that this version is from a different developer and now, I feel dumb. I'm just infuriated by the whole 2048 craze. I mean, a small group of people put so much time and effort into making a game like Threes. Then, some kid copies the code, profits from it, and is now

So, now the buttwipe, who can't make his own game, is not only profiting from ads on smartphones, but also from sales on a Nintendo system? I think I'm gonna vomit.

Bandit Keith strikes again

Sony isn't the only company willing to take shots at others. I know it's not exactly part of the console industry, but it's hard not to remember the "Don't Get Scroogled" campaign as well as the commercials that bashed Apple's iPad.

Get ALL the Persona!!!