
OK enough from me got an interview in 7 hours wish me luck! And don’t forget you have fans even if you in Ethiopia. Keep up the good work. Do one more Resi7 piece if you can. Love reading about games I’m currently playing. Night

What happened between you guys and Beth n Ubi?

I don’t see any fifa articles. Sup with that? 17 is phenomenal

Desperately looking for decent pc horror games out in the last year, suggestions?

Not a Doc Who fan coz I’ve never seen it but heard the actress who played agent Carter would go for it. That I would watch. Thoughts?

Dude, you’re kidding right. It’s the best in the series since 4. Most of you loved it.

Thanks for the encouragement. I just pirated resi7 t to the cpy crack yall posted about. What are your fav moments in the game so far?

Hello, I’m a brit living in Ethiopia. What are your opinions on gamers playing pirated games in third world countries where they can’t buy them?