
It’s a rationalization anyways.

Sacks ... simply wants to “hear Trump out.”

I think he’s more replacing “who” with “why.”

DO NOT comment or ungrey “juan” or “Slider6294" they’re plain trolls who don’t care about actual anaylsis, 

For real. Can you imagine someone even more inept than Spanfeller?

There’s always the possibility that things improve. According to reports, the new owner is retaining the entire editorial staff, whereas Spanfeller’s influence is now gone.

Well that’s a major morning spoiler :(

Dangit, Collider went all weird and now I’m losing io9 too? Where will I get my spoilers from now? I’ve had a 9.30 appointment in my calendar every weekday morning to come here since....forever.

Gizmodo has been sold off.

Stepping away from what seems like the obvious choice (wealth and fame) can feel scary at times, but stepping into your dharma replaces the fear with fulfillment.

She wants time off to spend with her friends:

... or maybe this is an actual problem worthy of reporting, since people could die as a result, or is kissing Musk’s ass worth overlooking it?

Yeah that or maybe the cybertruck is a hilarious heap of hot garbage that deserves to be laughed at every minute of the day and then some.

We’ll never know.

Could be. I’d wager it has more to do with Elon’s career as a carnival-barking huckster foisting poorly-designed death traps on the public as innovation.

Congratulations on your headline. Perfect.

Well I’d rather die than spend six hours on a flight, sober and awake 

It’s kind of interesting, this episode ended up being a little bit of a Rorschach test for me. The last episode, 73 yards, got me very comfortable with Gatwa’s Doctor, I think he even channeled a bit of Eccleston (a very good thing, at least for my tastes). I was worried based upon the first few episodes that they

I took the “you’re not one of us” comment to mean his socio-economic status. These are the uber-rich after all. Lindy saw him as working class, thanked him for doing his job of getting her out as he should have, but otherwise had no time for him. The main reason I didn’t, and still don’t, see the racist angle is

I didn’t even notice the racist meaning of the ending until I started seeing people online talking about it. I did notice the Doctor was the only non-white person in the episode, but I took Lindy’s ultimate rejection of the Doctor and his offer, the “you’re not like us” meaning more about his vibes - he’s so serious