Sabine Ren is punk rock. Do you know how I know? Because they showed her riding a motorcycle with punk rock music playing and her being sassy. That’s how I know. And that’s how you introduce a character to an audience with rocks in their heads.
Yeah I cannot believe the amount of people who didnt catch on to this.
Who makes these maps? What is the purpose? The implication in this episode is that Thrawn has been banished or exiled—but if that’s the case, why go through all the trouble of making a map, hiding it in this elaborate puzzle, telling an old friend where it is, etc.? Reader, I hate the map thing and hopefully it gets…
“Even if, as Huyang says, Sabine has less Jedi ability than any padawan he’s ever seen in history. (Which, quick aside, is a pretty messed up thing for him to say even if it gives Sabine that much more room to grow.)”
a new image of Kamala Khan reacting negatively to Goose in The Marvels.
I agree with most of this. Ahsoka should be more expressive. She always wore her heart on her sleeve. That probably goes for the whole cast. Thr acting in generally was a little flat and i hope it improves. I still got choked up several times. The fan service was pretty good without being silly. Like with Ezra’s…
Can’t wait for the apology spam
On one hand, I feel so vindicated because I know exactly these emails and have experienced all the frustration of a) never having signed up for them, b) having no unsubscribe option in the email (for a big, legitimate company!), and c) futile efforts to browse the site for an unsubscribe option that didn’t exist.
Star Wars if you fed it into Midjourney.
Looks like a movie shot to make a trailer.
‘We have Star Wars at home’
I can’t wait to see Chopper murder some fools in live action!
Couldn’t have said that any better myself
Instagram used to be a place where you could build an organic audience through hashtags and mutual interactions. It was great for artists to build followers and fans. I’d say the dozen or so accounts that still interact with me all came from that brief wondrous time when Instagram didn’t put up a ton of arbitrary…
to somehow incentivize reporters to write news directly onto Twitter itself.
I hope these babies are using a good ad blocker and aren’t allergic to herbs.
Oh yeah? Well, how do you think babies are going to find out about this research?
In our pre-Ahsoka re-watch of Rebels, wow it’s so clear just how murderous and “do whatever I need to get the job done” Chopper really is. If they wrote him well in this series, he could be a pretty popular character.
2:43PM EST. Still defaced improved.