
Wait, does this mean I’m past due updating my Windows 95 machine?

Worst. analogy. ever.

I wish that wasn't something that needed to be said.

Look if you went back 20 years ago and told anyone they would have to support a piece of software for ten years they would have laughed directly into your face. To Microsoft's credit Windows 7 was really good! And if you are running a machine not connected to the internet then who cares! But if you are on the internet

This is also super prevalent in the WoW community. Devs announce a new PvE raid: PvPers tell them to fix PvP. Devs announce PvP balance changes: PvE-ers complain that X class performs poorly in raids and should be fixed.

My personal favorite of those is the art guy showing drawing a new concept art for the game and showing it off when he could be <insert development activity here> instead. Because the art guy is totally whats holding up resolving an engine level issue thats being worked on by an entirely different team.

I used to do customer support for a small Facebook game, and we’d try to be as open as possible with our players. It was a nightmare when we’d announce a feature was coming and it wasn’t out within a week. Constant questions about why it wasn’t out yet, and why it was taking so long. If there was a bug when the

Game developers: have you ever felt like you couldn’t be candid because of toxic culture?

A fellow dev of mine works on a really popular (read: top 10 on steam) game, and is on Twitter a lot. Even when he tweets really benign things, the first comments are some variation of “fuck you, fix ur game” or “why are you talking about xyz when you could be doing abc in the game bitch.”

Umm.. it’s not that people think OW is immune to criticism. Your “troll job” was just very random and didn’t make sense. Your troll job is basically this:

That’s odd. I don’t remember ever playing group-based teamwork driven player-versus-player team matches in Borderlands.

Probably at the same time Borderlands stops copying Fallout 3/Star Wars/Mad Max.

Back in my days, every fucking game was a platformer. I swear, they were all copying Super Mario Bros.

Woof, buddy. I hate to do it to you but Borderlands isn’t so original itself.

I wonder when people who don’t like a game will be happy with stating they don’t like the game once, instead of repeating themselves every chance they get, and realize they sound like a thirsty motherfucker.

“How do I tell people I don’t like a thing? I KNOW! I’ll comment on the Internet about it! That’ll show’em!!”

well, you know, just because your business is in shambles it doesn’t mean you can renege on your contractual obligations.

It’s money they are legally due by contract, why exactly shouldn’t they try to get paid? Your belief that a long standing breach of contract to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars isn’t enough isn’t really a good reason.