So you would rather have California, Texas and New York be the only states that matter? Cause that’s what you would get. Remove California entirely from the popular vote count, and Trump wins by over 1 million votes.
That’s why it exists.
So you would rather have California, Texas and New York be the only states that matter? Cause that’s what you would get. Remove California entirely from the popular vote count, and Trump wins by over 1 million votes.
That’s why it exists.
Wait, didn’t Google say it was closing its app store for chrome a while back?
I’ve made this wonderful clipart diagram to show my feelings about why I love Fahrenheit. If you use the 0 to 100 scale and divide it into basically equal chunks (0-32, 32-66, 66-100), you have the coldest most people experience, the freezing point of water, the perfect indoor temperature, and the warmest most people…
Great tips. My problem is I want to do it all myself because I genuinely enjoy it. Later, of course, I complain about having to do it all myself.
In your default camera app, there’s probably a shortcut to your phone’s gallery app so you can quickly access the…
Why do these tablets cost so much less than a kindle e-reader? I mean, the tablets have lots more on the inside, and can do a whole lot more. I would think they would cost more too. Is an e-ink display really that expensive to manufacture?
Why do these tablets cost so much less than a kindle e-reader? I mean, the tablets have lots more on the inside, and…
Android/iPhone: Google’s introduced PhotoScan, a new app that makes scanning and uploading old photos a heck of a…
Badly behaved kids are the fault of the parents. We need to be publically shaming the bad parents.
Lost Boys, apparently got lost. :( Oh well. Also, E.T. isn’t really Halloween-yy. : )
Get to know your local farmers. All the above (and more) are available with a phone call and a nice Saturday drive to the country (with the exception of horse meat).
Ditto. Also, improve browsing experience at least 10-20 %. I did this on a Windows NT 5 years ago and the performance gain on browsing experience is an eye-opening !
Same here, it’s amazing that stuff like mortgage documents people don’t seem to notice or care that they never received it...I mean, what do they think is happening?
If you buy one for $4.99 and use it once to order the item, you will get a $4.99 credit making the button free. :)
Why do you presume I haven’t?
Price Zombie has been shut down
He got all huffy.
Thanks, now I know when to stay away from those places.