I read that just using a long phrase is really more secure than a complex, shorter one. For example, “This is my password phrase that only I know!” us much more secure than “Hj9)2gW/k1”
I read that just using a long phrase is really more secure than a complex, shorter one. For example, “This is my password phrase that only I know!” us much more secure than “Hj9)2gW/k1”
Re: comments, I had the same thing happen to me. I’ve been a Lifehacker user for MANY years, and my comments generally posted immediately. Now EVERY comment of mine posts as “Pending”.
My three fixes that have improved my speaking:
You don’t always need to “win”.
All the joy of a Fidget Cube in a tiny package. I LOVE this thing!
Is there some behind-the-scenes setting that controls how a user’s comment is published, and when it shows up in Pending Approval status? I’ve been a Lifehacker member for well over a decade, and in almost all cases, when I posted a comment, it just showed up. It seems that within the past 6 months or so, EVERY…
Doesn’t it depend on the intended use of the photo? Obviously you want the cleanest, most perfect end product as you can get, but is that really necessary or appropriate fro all circumstances?
We started freezing bananas for use in smoothies, and we found that chunking and freezing them is the most useful for us. But even in a dedicated freezer kept just above zero degrees (F), we find that they do not freeze hard, but remain somewhat pliant. And yes, the do tend to be sticky, but they break apart with…
The important thing is to LEARN from your mistakes.
That this even has to be said is frankly pathetic.
When I was a kid, I always hated cats. I later found out that I hated them because I was allergic to them—when I touched them, they made me feel bad. Perfectly understandable. As an adult, I would love to have a cat, but the allergies still gets me. Interestingly, our two dogs give me zero issues.
Similar ones were on sale last year for about $12, and are invaluable. $14 is still a great price. Highly recommended!
Similar ones were on sale last year for about $12, and are invaluable. $14 is still a great price. Highly…
We do not have kids, but we leave them on all the time. We’re cord-cutters, and we watch many British shows, so the Closed Captioning helps, particularly with regional or colloquial words and phrases. We also never watch live TV, so subtitles or Closed Captioning is always in sync and easy to read.
We do not have kids, but we leave them on all the time. We’re cord-cutters, and we watch many British shows, so the Closed Captioning helps, particularly with regional or colloquial words and phrases. We also never watch live TV, so subtitles or Closed Captioning is always in sync and easy to read.
What a neat idea. When I was a kid in Jr. High, in an economics class we had to pick several stocks listed in the newspaper and follow them over the course of the semester. I picked three, and two of them really took off. I wish I had the opportunity as a kid to actually invest.
All of these wonderful ideas can be leveraged within Inbox by Gmail. I had a hard time understanding Inbox by Gmail, primarily because I had hundreds of messages in my Gmail inbox. Once I took the time to get down to Inbox Zero, switching to Inbox by Gmail was a snap, and its fully integrated into my…
Is it really the phone?
Life is a terminal disease. Enjoy it while you can!
I really hated reading when I was in college so I took many shortcuts, but at 51, I absolutely regret doing so. As you get older, you come to realize that study is lost on many young people.