
I agree completely. The only person that regularly finds me funny is myself.

Yes, I'm certain they would afford you the very same courtesy and politely avoid spreading the plague around your house. They must be targeting only the ones that target them. Yes, that is their master plan.

Yup, that's how they're dealing with the streets of cities in decline...like Cleveland.

I had no in game objective...i just made it an objective to kill guards in fun ways.

I like to go around finding interesting ways to kill guards in Assassin's Creed, does that count?

Yes, and most people don't read Gizmodo.

I have personally met 95% of my Facebook friends, not just for an hour either, and the rest are people I developed a friendship with online. I don't talk to many of them, as 152 people are hard to keep in contact with simultaneously.

I read 6% slower than the national average. I don't think I care though, because I read so that I understand and enjoy the text. There's something to be said for taking one's time.

I see, so you're wondering why it's caught on so much when it's been done so many times over and it's so old...

I like my voice :-O

Well, given that Captain America started in 1941, waaaay before hellboy, I think they win the "I covered Nazis first" category. If you do research you'd find out why he exists in the first place (as a rally against Nazis, and increase patriotism).

needless repetition for the sake of demeaning me...why?

I imagine you don't fully understand this, but servers cost money to operate, as they use electricity and parts wear down. People pay for all manner of services which could be hosted on their own if they felt like bothering, but this is a convenient way for the user to have control over a server, and EA gets some

It makes no business sense to sell a drink in an ugly cup, or to package it poorly. The same goes for game trailers. The great majority of their audience will either really like the choice in music, or not care either way. The rest already don't like them, and they probably don't consider it a loss.

I don't think it looks quite that bad, but it hasn't necessarily improved much for a while now. This is unfortunate, but necessary as it is a game made on a 7 year old system.

Maybe it's because it is the first one I played of the series, but I really liked the Black Ops multiplayer.

It just sounds like he's an old war vet to me, and people like dubstep, so that's an appropriate style to choose.

Wow, those were the two games I played the most on my Game Cube. I thought both of them were very creative and intuitive.