plays for me too, always has, chrome or firefox. Sorry bout your luck :(
plays for me too, always has, chrome or firefox. Sorry bout your luck :(
I'm sorry, but I now realize this was a flamebait post I put up. I'm sorry you feel differently, but I'm not mocking your beliefs so don't mock mine, please.
Who uses reddit? I never found it I mistaken?
That's far from perfect, but very good and good enough for me.
At least sex services aren't committing murder?
I would not like to see it in America, at least not yet. It feels too recent.
That guy, thrown in a blender with a pint of water would still measure less than a pint.
I think this is crazy. No way it's 95%. That's propagation of a lie. I pirated Modern Warfare. I pirated World at War, I pirated Modern Warfare 2, but then I got this thing called a job and BOUGHT Black Ops and now Modern Warfare 3 because I could afford it. Also, steam is damn convenient. I think that they…
Only an hour? I was in line almost 2. But i wanted to go for the fun of it.
Suffice it to say, the more I know about computers and how they work, the more they confound me.
Haha, Buy More. Favorite. Show. Ever.
Where's my Skyrim minecraft mod?
If higher numbers are farther rendering distances, then mine are set as far as rendering goes, in the View Distance tab. Unless there's another way to dig deeper into the settings, without editing .ini files, I'm sure everything is maxed.
If higher numbers are farther rendering distances, then mine are set as far as rendering goes, in the View Distance tab. Unless there's another way to dig deeper into the settings, without editing .ini files, I'm sure everything is maxed.
Well, let me clarify that by saying that you have to log into your live account to play Arkham Asylum anyway (or at least that's what I believe to be true) so it's only for those games that have this interaction with live.
you are correct in that. just saying the companies are in competition.
oh and I just checked. 30fps stable, except when i decide to turn really fast, then it stutters.
Ah, well I'm 1620x 1080, and I never checked the FPS. I have found that in some cases I find a game more than playable at frame rates others seem to cry about.
Yeah, it was neat when my recently obtained copy of Arkham Asylum for PC gave me achievements for my Xbox Live account.
Jeez I remember back in the day where the graphics improved with each new game. They've felt stagnant for the past couple years now. I'm definitely upset about EVERY game releasing as a console port. None of these games feel like they're supposed to be run at 1080p or higher. As much as I love Skyrim right now,…