
You must be a console gamer.

wheeeere is this?

Taint their money? HA, rich people hardly know what a $1 bill is.

I have an android phone with a keyboard. The point is, there are a lot of games out there that would benefit from physical buttons and iOS is THE portable gaming system, not Android.

No gameboy gives me such a large screen, and a small device. I do emulate...on my iPod. Point is, I would love the option to use a physical d-pad and buttons. It's also easier to play metroid for the GBA if you have shoulder buttons.

greenpoison on my iPod Touch :P

I just want to play my gameboy games again :(

apple just needs to approve gaming accessories, is all.

iOS games look better...SORRY 3DS!

same routine I figure. I would think of the weight as the level of an enemy, if we're making comparisons to rpgs.


everyday is caturday.

But, that's a fair, rational approach. You're talking about America.

unless it was different before i was a subscriber, it was 8+2 for streaming+dvd until they recently shifted to 8+8.

But then you get to the problem of PC/Xbox/PS3 or whatever is equal to the iPhone, and other mobile devices which offer netflix but it's definitely not used as much and is not the same experience. Should those cost less?

What's with all the releases of "magical" features just after the man who popularized the term dies?

I figure that two and a half months is enough time to fix what few problems I had with the game.

Yeah, I guess it would, but I like having the ability to keep registered my computer, my phone, my xbox, and my brother's computer, as well as my girlfriend who mostly uses it when I am over anyway.

Could you explain your reasoning?