I'll chime in with the resounding chorus. My account has been compromised once...by Gawker.
I'll chime in with the resounding chorus. My account has been compromised once...by Gawker.
oh, so only if I want to share it...which is a feature I didn't even know existed.
it's only because it outperforms the iPhone.
It's all about who's wearing them...
such as?
No, she's still stupid, just greedy and clever also.
Well, remember that suit where a lady spilled coffee on herself?
psh, it needs to be more like call of duty. now THAT is a REAL game.
That's exactly what I was thinking while watching that trailer.
How is this related to gadgets?
but...but...but...it's not a biased rant, it's solid proven fact, right???
Just like aaaaall the Terms of Service agreements we've promised to have read....
I do see it as possible, sure, but the last time they made such a drastic change, we got Windows Vista, and while it was not as bad as some made it out to be, it still should have been 7 from the start.
doesn't stop this from being an incomplete article.
I don't know, but it DOES make you smart, so you decide.
but, 2000 was pretty alright, wasn't it? Or was that just after the 4 service packs? (serious question)
retards that can't figure out how to use a computer so we resort to dumbed down touch controls with huge buttons.
Yes, and they spent so much time making it awesome, it completely boggles my mind that they're just tossing it aside.
That's why incremental jumps are better. Like having the option to completely disable the metro interface for those of us who paid $70 on a mouse already and will not be upgrading just so I can use a fancy interface (for example. I know it might not be a new mouse that's required for metro, as it was for lion)
And on the note of launching apps, why should we HAVE to use something other than windows to do something as simple as open an application? I've tried them all and they're not for me. None of them are as simple as Windows 7's implementation, and they're not integrated into the OS, so thanks, but stop trying to…