haha, funny. actually it did come back on...i think there was an issue with my internet. dunno why it said "under maintenance" and not "internets error." ah well.
haha, funny. actually it did come back on...i think there was an issue with my internet. dunno why it said "under maintenance" and not "internets error." ah well.
It wasn't due to anything but himself. Stop sensationalizing.
Why does it still tell me it's undergoing maintenance?
i just cancel the initial search (that is what it does, right?) and i selected one folder for it to grab music from; In my case, that is "G:\Android\Music." It has never grabbed anything outside of that.
stop falling asleep in the kitchen then.
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees! I was disappointed because I thought it came out only with future ones, so I'm happy to see it on the G2.
Why do I buy a TV that will inevitably die? Why do I buy clothes that are new when thrift stores are cheaper and just as functional? Why do I have a dog when I know it will likely die long before me?
Latest article on the linked site says it's delayed, (From may 11) with a new date unknown.
Indeed....shame I can't play Portal 2 on my PC because I need to activate it first on the PSN, a caveat I did not know about when I bought my PS3 copy...
Please work for Sony. Now.
Yes, I'd like to see a conclusion to the story, but I also want to see more Assassin's Creed, with perhaps a new story, with more innovation in the gameplay.
Yeah, but this is funnier.
freaking finally, too bad they won't be selling them in the country where most people would buy them :P
Maybe they should DITCH THE PLASTIC HANDLES! Seriously, I had a pair years ago that could cut through lead pretty well, (titanium blade i think) but I broke them because the handle was cheap plastic. As if anyone would actually use it as they advertised it, to cut stuff other than paper.
Daaaaang, this sucks for Sony...
I wasn't going to buy, but I saw the $10 price tag for students, so I figured I could spare that much to support the dev. After all, I've used fences so much, he deserves something.
You make a valid point, but they're far less cool than openly trading them in a circle at recess xD