
Correct! You win one ticket to ride the internet.

There's only one song ever needed for a workout.

I do not like bloated/poorly coded software. I do not like the price tag on so many apps that fill such a small niche.

well, considering that you earned the miles, it would stand to reason, but not many execs stand to reason lately.

Can we keep the console wars to a minimum, please? We're not ALL children, are we?

lol still cheaper than more minutes from your carrier if you need them.

ah, well i haven't bothered to make more yet. I guess this is a good change :D

DANGIT, someone tell me I'm wrong, but it seems like one of the "performance improvements" was removing the ability to place a ladder every OTHER block and forcing one to place a ladder every block.

:( And I thought that Amazon would reimburse all the devs for each app that was discounted. I just figured it was a way to get people in the door, you know, sell something at cost so while the customer is there, buys other items.

You know, as much as I don't like apps taking data from me that they don't need, what bothers me more is the waste of processing power in the code, especially when they spend it grabbing my GPS location or whatever else.

Wow, target is selling Gears for 20 bucks and then gets you for shipping...saves me a whole 2 bucks over amazon's with my prime membership, and slower shipping too. Guess I'll be sad when it's up in July though.

that's...slower than dial up.

At least they're not porky, and they're DEFINITELY not chicken, so I think beefy is generally good.

Honestly, by "others" I basically meant the iOS store, as I've no experience with the Mac AppStore, nor have I heard much about it. All I'm hoping for is a unified way to discover new and useful apps while still having a way to filter out some of the crap, but without being too restrictive. You dig?

I want the Microsoft "app store" to be more open than the others PLEASE. I want to be able to find things like CCleaner, Handbrake, Ventrilo, and the like because MS has allowed them to exist without large fees to be put in. I understand that this costs money to maintain well, so fine, but I really want to see this

I have a story about 1 Sale a Day that left me with a good taste in my mouth about them.

indeed. A bunch of whiny children, if you ask me.

G2 Update?

bah, and I trump them with superior tactics. D: One can still have fun with black ops...though I play on PC so idk how different it is. I do like server rules, so perhaps that's why I enjoy it...

easy solution: pay attention to the teacher. Half of the "distractions" students complain about are really self-inflicted, whether they realize it or not.