
@two2tone: idk, whole process probably takes 10-15 minutes on your part. All you have to to is leave it to soak, then come back and roll it up and set it up to dry. Seems like a money saver if there's already newspaper lying around.

@ptpoul: yeah, I used it in beta and loved it. My phone broke, so I sent it in for repair, but when I got it back, Trillian was out of beta. I immediately bought it.

@linuxpirates: so you can steal apps? or get crappy free versions that Apple doesn't like? :P

@CSquared: Either way, the track titled Rinzler on the soundtrack is fantastic!

@ditikos: I think the assumption is that she's human...but since she was an iso, perhaps she is somehow different. Oh well, we may never know.

Remember that scene where they talk about wifi? Isn't that an homage to the inventor John O’Sullivan? Or when they use all those lights, isn't that an homage to Thomas Edison?

Here's what I want. I want the swype keyboard in portrait, but the gingerbread keyboard in landscape. Is that possible?

Really? A situation like this requires a gun, a rope, and a bonfire. It's called "what we're having for dinner."

@mjfetner: attach a mirror under your camera? ;)

@Whitson Gordon: It's probably because a writer doesn't have the funding for infinite bandwidth and all that stuff.

Stop breaking websites! It won't load. Q_Q

Wow, this is incredible!

it's like i'm peeking through the door. uuuuugh.

Yeah, let me point out that you have two places on each page for us to follow you. If we want to follow you on Facebook I'm sure we know how to type your name into facebook's search.

Here's the problem with this list: We don't all work in an office with geeks. Some of us have to buy a gift for a middle aged romanian lady O_o

@drongch: Yeah? Well, I never look at my iPod Touch's case, but if Apple shipped it to me in bubble wrap, it'd have lost some of the initial charm.