
@tavojimenez: yeah, but then everyone'd do that and they couldn't afford the dept.

@Rabinowitz: That was five, and one of them was technically two words, so six. ;)

@ninjablaze: Or he could move. And it's not childish for them to do what they're told. And a one time fee wouldn't work because then everyone'd do that and they wouldn't have the money to afford a fire department, as there aren't THAT many fires. Or it'd be prohibitively expensive.

@unibrow4o9: Yeah, perhaps there should be a one time fee for it.

@Kreblon: Oh you mean that when bad things happen and you haven't taken the effort to prepare for them, you actually have to face consequences? I guess I'm missing your point.

So it's not out for another 5 days. Dang, I'll have to wait!

@jafoca: yeah, but your standard DVR box can do that and I doubt they cost that much to produce.

@justanimate: because your desktop pc is designed around a viewing distance of 1-3 feet, not 5-15 or so, nor for remotes. Also, one trick ponys are often very good at that one trick, since that's all they need to do. Computers get slow over time since they're designed to do everything (except make me coffee Q_Q).

This is exactly what I thought of about ten years ago. I drew stuff out and everything. I mean it's not exactly, but it's basically the same. I should have known Google'd be the one to do it.

This is cool...but didn't I see this posted a month or two ago?

The black one looks like it should end with the buttons, but it has a battery attachment on the bottom. The white, however, looks good with button placement.

@KuroiSabato: Yeah, there was SO much rasism in there.

@sktaka22381: yes, that's the sound the husband makes and is essential for ambiance.

@vein11: that would be great.

...do they actually use those horror devices for pulling babies out of there? O_o

I've eliminated this possiblility by not owning a phone.