
Yeah, because killing a human is WAY less critical than killing animals. I'm glad this is what they're trying to teach us these days.

@brandoshido: but the side of her face covered by hair is hideously scarred.

@paulrules: which is funny because...that's how I read it.

Oh man, this game is going to be so epic.

@Go VolsVolsZela: Internet Piracy- Unlawfully transmitting software or other copyrighted material; or providing infringing material that enables users to violate copyright protection mechanisms in software over the Internet.

$50,000 for being arrested and jailed for breaking the law? OOOOH NO WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO!?!?! Seriously, you're not supposed to capture it on film, bottom line. You can't just say "I was just having fun, so it's okay."

@jbaranski: nevermind, I lied...its a cat i found out, upon further investigation.

@ImmaLion: There's a dog dragging its butt on the ground in the background about a minute in...O_o

What I would like is a non-web browser YouTube browser. You know, like Hulu, only better.

@Tony Bullard Jr: Yeah, but look at the competition. It is true that Android is selling very well, and is still increasing in popularity, but Apple still sold 600,000 phones in one day. It's just good business to aim for the larger market first...unfortunately.

@les_is: No, it's a horrible decision. Fragility in a product that typically takes more of a beating than anything else most people carry is a very poor choice.

@metronome49: Well, the next time someone you know has scratched glasses and goes to get new ones, just try to convince them it has more character...see how well that goes.

Yeah, let's just take all the fun out of it, by making it perfectly fair. :P I say let it be, otherwise we have no reason to scream at the TV anymore. :-O

No Dave, I can't let you do that.

@Aurailious: It's just how things work. It can cost anything that someone will buy it for. For instance, Apple could make their products cheaper...but people buy them at the price they are now...so why bother?

@fyngyrz: I like thid a lot. Kudos.

@jbaranski: Oh and I know I didn't mention anything about the Android OS, but I do believe it has a lot of good features, and a positive future ahead.

@katypee001: And it's battery life is crap. The two operating systems have different philosophies. I've used both fairly extensively, and while the Android OS is really nice, I find that the iPhone OS is easier to use overall. One has to make concessions when choosing to use either, so it's really up to user