@les_is: No, it's a horrible decision. Fragility in a product that typically takes more of a beating than anything else most people carry is a very poor choice.
@les_is: No, it's a horrible decision. Fragility in a product that typically takes more of a beating than anything else most people carry is a very poor choice.
@metronome49: Well, the next time someone you know has scratched glasses and goes to get new ones, just try to convince them it has more character...see how well that goes.
Yeah, let's just take all the fun out of it, by making it perfectly fair. :P I say let it be, otherwise we have no reason to scream at the TV anymore. :-O
No Dave, I can't let you do that.
@Aurailious: It's just how things work. It can cost anything that someone will buy it for. For instance, Apple could make their products cheaper...but people buy them at the price they are now...so why bother?
@fyngyrz: I like thid a lot. Kudos.
@jbaranski: Oh and I know I didn't mention anything about the Android OS, but I do believe it has a lot of good features, and a positive future ahead.
@katypee001: And it's battery life is crap. The two operating systems have different philosophies. I've used both fairly extensively, and while the Android OS is really nice, I find that the iPhone OS is easier to use overall. One has to make concessions when choosing to use either, so it's really up to user…
I don't mind a hud...but for god's sake, make it somewhat symmetrical. I don't want EVERYTHING on one side or the other, jeez. That's just tacky.
@MattyMattMatt: Well, thank you! I had yet to fully explore the settings, so this should definitely help things out. I have a nice and fast connection, and this setting made it feel so slow. I'm glad you brought this to my attention.
@dragonskin: what does irfanview do exactly? Because I find that the image viewer picasa installs is not only much nicer looking, but very quick and easy to use.
Well, I've tried using opera today, but it REALLY has a problem with loading pages in a reasonable amount of time, while firefox, chrome and even internet explorer load them much faster. Maybe because this is an alpha? Either way I'm not really pleased.
wtb google chrome version
But there's not coffee in the recipe... O_o Am I missing something?
@jbaranski: dont forget about when my router acts up, or when my internet service goes out because of a down wire, or something else. Sure, I could go read a book, take a walk, but this is bad for Ubisoft to be limiting our access to the game. And heck, I know a guy who keeps his gaming PC offline. Something to do…
LOL, and what happens when I use AMD's Fuison to disable everything unnecessary and my internet card is one of em? This is crap. Shoot, I'm almost tempted to go looking for a crack so I can play the stupid game w/o internet...or, you know, just not play the game.
@jbaranski: no im not too stupid to google it, but cmon, you guys usually have links! :P
so wheres the link?
I'd say crap...twice over. It's just a giant iPod touch...oh sorry, that's unfair. The touch's keyboard is at least decent. :P