Looks and sounds like it’ll be more like the “Gate” anime, just cut out much of the fantasy civilizations and add more dragons.
Looks and sounds like it’ll be more like the “Gate” anime, just cut out much of the fantasy civilizations and add more dragons.
The farsight: a gun designed to stop campers that only encouraged more camping.
Perfect Dark was a better multiplayer game than Golden Eye. I know Golden Eye set the stage, but Rare really did an amazing job with Perfect Dark for the time.
Fortnite isn’t my type of game, but like Eve, it has become something of a joy to read about. All these real-time events and happenings the devs are putting in are just so interesting to watch.
cry more you big baby
There’s an important distinction to be made here between a leaker and a journalist. When someone leaks a document to the journalist, it’s entirely the journalist’s prerogative whether or not they want to report on that. They have not signed any NDAs and have no obligation to protect companies’ secrets. In fact, a…
Amidst the pushcart vendors selling bacon-wrapped hot-dogs, religious leaders blasting damning sermons over…