Better try and not use leather products. That industry and their practices are f*#$d up.
Better try and not use leather products. That industry and their practices are f*#$d up.
Better try and not use leather products. That industry and their practices are f*#$d up.
Better try and not use leather products. That industry and their practices are f*#$d up.
Worth a try.
Nice review. Makes the game look like a good nostalgia trip.
This. Was. Incredible.
Laptop gun was amazing.
Thanks for saving Anta.
Final excuse was the best lol.
Somehow agree with Araisikewai. I really enjoy this kind of articles in between the other gaming news.
Great, great article. Very interesting to know the "behind the scenes" of such a cool company on an ever cooler part of the videogames industry.