St. George the 88th

I can see where you’re coming from, but this is a role playing game. I wouldn’t run around doing parkour off of buildings and stabbing people through the face. The characters in AC games are not meant to be mirror images or even extensions of yourself.

The most depressing part of climate change are the fraudulent fixes government officials have come up with to deal with it. Gargantuan global slush funds, cars that aren’t useful, eliminating air travel for the common peasant while politicians can still fly privately at any time, and the list goes on and onTo that

It’s 2019 people.  There are no creeps anymore.

I don’t feel bad at all for her. The leftist press does it all day long to conservatives. Glad to see there’s an outlet giving some back. Malia looks to be growing up to be just another typical trust fund loser.

I can’t even imagine paying $30k for a car. People need to learn how to do simple math. If you need to take out a loan to finance a vehicle, you’re just dumb.

Why aren’t your wages growing?

Trump voted Democrat and acted accordingly for 99% of his life. I don’t know any conservatives who were complicit with that.

Not dumb enough to vote for Hillary.

Socialism equals taking more of everyone’s money AND taking away people’s rights. Wow. Not sure how someone with an intelligently chosen screen name like yours missed that though.

Not sure if you’re being sarcastic or just low IQ.  I don’t concern myself with imaginary groups of people, so I’m not sure how you or “everyone here” knows how these big scary “nazis” are voting.  Still laughing at your reply though.  Thanks for that.

As a man who’s worked in a medium to large sized corporate environment for the past 20 years, I know I’ve never represented all men who go to work everyday. Not even close. However, today’s modern feminist movement seems to think each woman is simply some tiny part of a female “Borg”, where no woman should act as an

Essentially this article boils down to, “Any politics to the right of the DNC are BS and only rubes would follow that.” It’s a great, little demonstration on how to throw a hissy fit into writing because you simply don’t like other people with different ideas than yourself. In a way though, that summary is correct,

I vote that’s the best post I’ve read in a long ass time!

I have, and I’m actually old enough to remember the last time there was an uptick in the amount of people who thought socialism was the answer to all their problems. Sooner or later it’s always a complete and total disaster. Socialist leaders have proven themselves time and time again to be power-hungry idiots, who

So the moral of the story is, even though the media isn’t nearly as “male-dominated” as it was back in the 90s, they still sensationalize the nonsensical BS, and largely ignore the facts behind any given current event.

Ok, so union thugs can dictate your life decisions to you instead of corporate rats. I’m failing to see a difference.

100% false.

what?  What!?!?  Socialism is simply the prelude to communism.  You have no idea what you’re talking about.

Playing Year One Edition now.  For some reason they did not include 2560 x 1440 as one of the resolution choices, so I’m playing in 1080p. The 4k setting had some really weird flickering bug going on with the shadows, so I’m forced to play at the lower resolution. The optimization of the game seems a lot better than

LMAO!  What a waste of time to concentrate on a movement that represents a millionth of the US population, while at the same time supporting blatant communists like Bernie Sander and AOC who represent an ideology that has been far more destructive in the past 100 years.