
I agree for most shows, but I watched the first four episodes and it's hard not to think of Breaking Bad when it's about a bored suburban dad who starts to work with a drug cartel, and even the music is reminiscent of BB. I think they may have been making a self-aware joke when (spoiler) one character throws a possum

Saw Spidey on Friday. Maybe saw it a little too late, because I got cranky towards the end when he got his ass kicked for the 5th or so time but overall I dug it. Agree with the common ranking I've seen of it being second best of the 6 to Spiderman 2.

that's a possibility. But knowing what we do about that character, that's how I took it.

Anyone else notice the look Larry gave Alex's new girl when he came out of the bathroom? Seems inevitable those two hook up at some point, forcing Tina and Alex together. Or something like that.

So what, no fuckin ziti now?