Gorgeous vehicle; it looks very French.
Clickbaity anti-GM title; sounds very Jalopnik.
Gorgeous vehicle; it looks very French.
Clickbaity anti-GM title; sounds very Jalopnik.
What if a 302 is actually 4.94889L?
Mr. Torchinsky, I am tired of your anti-Yellow Sweater Alliance bias. You know good and well that it was founded by Sir Edward Harold Tuffington, Earl of Shirehamptonshire on Kennet in the year of our Lord 1852 to combat the growing badminton menace that threatened to overtake the nation’s cricket pitches. To add…
Fred: You know Suzy, no one loves you like I do.
A love lost is ever longed-for.
Wait, hang on. I just want to make sure I’m getting this.
The first Shed I designed was quite naturally perfect, it was a work of art, flawless, sublime. A triumph equaled only by its mobilization failures. The inevitability of its doom is apparent to me now as a consequence of the imperfection inherent in every shed. Thus, I redesigned it to more accurately reflect the…
How could I forget about all those homebuilt 300-Mile-Range Electric Cars built in garages that can be cranked out at a rate of hundreds per week, warrantied to last as much as 100k miles, full furnished interiors loaded with Android Auto and air conditioning, can quick charge using international standards, meet…
I was thinking the same thing.
Counterpoint: “Hurr durr It’s not scary” is a good way to end up Orlove’d or worse. There isn’t a 500+ hp car in production (existence) that doesn’t deserve respect.
I did and my comment is inline with the article. which words did you not understand?
“Either way, these costs are likely all going to fall back on us, the consumers. “
Jaguar is considering resurrecting the XK, this time as a proper four-seater. Previous versions have been 2+2s.
Sure, the 4-door coupes.
GM gotta GM.
Do you often wish you could watch your own car driving around from the outside, but just don’t trust any of your friends to drive it?
The pain in Spain falls mainly on the pit lane.
Been doing this since I can remember, still do it to this day at 37. My younger sister does it also
My mom told us this too.