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    @golferal: A great adventure is waiting for him ahead

    Take luck!

    @Zing: I agree whole heartedly... just couldn't resist a chance to use a picture of good ol' AOAL

    @Zing: Ants on a log anyone?

    @whormongr: see my reply to what collex said.

    @Franchisekiller: sure, go after the messenger and not the message. To each his own indeed.

    @collex: Hellboy 1 was better compared to it's sequel. And I always thought that GBT was held back by the studio execs to make sure kids could see the film as well. I could pinpoint the scenes I thought were cut short or toned down.

    David Slade, horror mastermind? Really? Sure, 30 Days was fun to watch, but a masterpiece?

    I would love to see this. I really do.


    I've got (old) Chubs for this article

    "JUST" 5lbs? a little heavy for packing, but would be OK for canoe or car camping IMO

    but WHAT abOUT a wALKen KEyyyy?

    @Gary_7vn: The 1 way valve is all backed up. need to snake down a wire to let er' draaaaaiiiin.

    "relocating" I doubt it. Well if birdy heaven/hell is a location.

    The olde school screen shot reminds me of Cinco's Innernette