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    @jpech: If someone wants to buy your car for $500, you have to sell it to them.

    So this is where Diddles has been. I've been thinking you were fired or something.

    Oh lord. Thank you for waiting til Friday for this. I only have to wait one day for Murilopnik to purge this from my brain.

    Track: Corvette ZR1

    "For the rest of us to gawk at" :(

    So they want to be financially independent, but still have access to technology?

    Great. I drive a car on a track once, but never a rally car through a snow circuit. He and his mother look so calm.

    Yikes. He went with the scathing "NOT!!" retort to his own comment.

    You are right about the colors. The blue engine exhaust is giving me a nervous tic.

    What about functional brake ducts? I know they aren't necessary unless you take to the track, but its nice to have.

    @Ash78: The one series is 14' long. Significantly more than many of these cars.

    Why do engines get to have all the fun...

    I can't wait for some hilarious Nano videos.