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    International Harvester truck

    Shot of Goldshlagger for mention of golden parachutes

    I do love me some transformers, but I fear this is going to be more of a setup for a 3rd movie than Pirates 2 or The Empire Strikes Back.

    Fantastic string of comments, but the chuck's finish was outstanding.

    The 5-series GT:

    I'm all about it, but this car, stock or tuned, isn't really going to be a performance value. It makes me worry for its future past one generation.

    @jduffy13: Preparing for the coming flood of bullshit?

    I never understood how we allowed the creators of manga to trick us into taking them seriously.

    @pauljones: The Swedish government will buy it at a huge discount if nothing else. I assume they have already made a low offer, but GM is shopping around.

    @mr_hat: You realize this is built for a 24 hour race, right? I trust the Audi engineers recognize the benefit of having light for the night racing.

    Do the supports mount to the top of the rear wing?