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    @Ash78: Well under way? They are there my friend, and the Civic Si doesn't count for shit. The all-wheel TL may be good, but the last TL-S I drove was boring.

    You know, he probably could have traded the van for a gun.

    There are certainly bad drivers out there, but for me there are only two main offenders.

    @jbownsabmw but still wants GM to survive: Also, if this is true I want to see names posted next to the fastest laps. The quest for fastest laps would be a competition among drivers and not just cars.

    Isn't this what we have suspected all along? The drivers may or may not be who they say, but it makes sense.

    I can totally picture this raider fan in a black dodge ram sporting hella lights. Very good comment!

    @Deartháir: As I understand it, there were about 5-10 minutes in the early 1800's and again in the 50's.

    What a scourge to the Minnesota society. I bet he caused countless cases of high blood pressure selling salt-laced weed.

    @Dhillaz: Small, efficient batteries are coming, and I feel they will take over for all the appliance type cars. They will do it in relatively short order. I give it 4-6 product cylces before electric cars are truly viable. Those of us who want to have cars that burn gas are going to be taxed very very heavily at

    On the other hand, pimping them with neon and a fog machine is just as easy as ever.

    His face in the first pic is priceless.

    Is this really important? Who would care how much value it holds after one year? If you have enough money to get a new car every year, you don't give a crap? If it was your life dream to get a sweet car, you are going to keep it.

    Gotta go with nice price. Take your minivan to the drag strip and show the kiddos what's up.

    Kindly remind him that it could have been worse, and that your Tesla should be ready by next year(at least that's what the Tesla rep keeps telling you).