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    There is nothing so spectacular about this car that would keep me from picking up an old one and using the extra money to bolt on some go-fast bits to smoke the new one.

    @UDMan: I generally agree with you. Sedans are better looking than hatches.

    Too close to home...

    Every picture you posted makes me cry with boredom

    You could just use the engine as a backup generator. Then you could blend, watch a movie and do it all with the lights on during power outages.

    I can't believe someone would put a Toyota on their computer. Even the IS-F is for old people.

    He sounded genuinely angry over the existence of flappy paddle gearboxes when praising the "Zed" R1 for not have one.

    Hey look! A truck where I could get something over the side and into the bed without raising it above my head.

    OH HAI!

    If it was a functional submarine it might be worth it.

    A little disturbed by how many people have said yes so far. I have never fallen asleep at the wheel. Dangerously tired, sure. But I have never actually fallen asleep. Power naps at rest stops, sure. I've even switched drivers while the car was moving (which I would never do again), but I have never fallen asleep.

    @Iron-Balls McGinty: And here I thought I was going to get through an entire week without reading the word 'sheeple.' Thanks. ;)

    @The Name's Ash78, Housewares: To communicate with that many different things, it would have to be a very open standard. The tinfoil hat crowd (I'm not pointing fingers or anything) will be able to tell us if the car is capable of sending things we don't want it to.