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    A lifted Corvette for off-road duty, and a road racing Wrangler.

    I will drive because it is too far to walk. It is a grade school with a tiny parking lot.

    @UDMan: Thank you. I will bookmark this page for when my financial situation improves.

    Thanks for the photos Murilee.

    I only want a manual on my sporty cars. Truck, yachts, and econoboxes can all have autos.

    Driving a car like those through the streets of Hong Kong sounds miserable. I wonder how many of those cars have even seen the open road.

    Just two of them that open in a standard, hinge by the front wheel, manner. No door on the back. I like the security of a trunk.

    More power to him if its true, but the internet has made me skeptical of over-the-top claims.

    Looks like a mechanical Heffalump

    @ricky_b: Agreed. Love the retro feel.

    @jip1080: The France family is all smiles on top of their mountain of cash.

    He laughed because he is rich. he will make phone call, and a couple of hours later a trailer will show up and take the car away. Meanwhile, he will be yachting in the Mediterranean for a couple of weeks and his car will be waiting for him when he returns home. Will fix the dent to his ego without denting his

    @smalleyxb122: I want another jeep with that good ol' AMC engine. I miss it.

    @layabout: There are a few. This is just the newest.

    @racerx: I believe it is required to say "Hmmmm" when in deep thought and pulling on comically sinister beard. This must be him.

    Got any extra vacation days? Use 'em while you got 'em.

    Andrew, you wouldn't be suggesting that cat-eye lights are a poor design, would you?

    Chugged beer the whole time you were on screen, so not that much.

    Very Cool, But I bet he could have built a six car garage and had change left over.